
Why Sole Traders Should Always Have A Business Plan

You have to have a plan, man. Whether it’s for coaching, management or self-improvement, when there is a plan in place there is a greater chance of success. When it comes to business, there are many elements that will contribute to how successful an operation will be, and one of them is having a business [...]

2017-06-15T16:25:17+10:00June 15th, 2017|Blog|

4 Reasons Why Outsourcing Benefits Sole Traders

Outsourcing – a word that gets thrown around quite a bit these days – is moving tasks, jobs or processes to an external contracted third party, aka getting someone else to do it. But, why? Isn’t the old saying, “if you want something done right, do it yourself?” That is the old saying, “old” being [...]

2017-05-29T06:45:26+10:00May 23rd, 2017|Blog|

The lure of self-employed retirement

The fantasy of retirement with all its promises of relaxation and happiness may not be what people want after all. More and more I'm hearing of retirees who are not ready to retire or that are bored of relaxing and reading books. So, the next best options are to pester the kids and grand kids, [...]

2017-05-29T07:17:04+10:00May 18th, 2017|Blog|

What is success to the self-employed?

  There is a spotlight firmly on work-life balance, what it means and whether it is achievable. I regularly read about how being self-employed means you will be giving up your free time to work long hours in your business, I disagree. The misconception here is that everyone is trying to build a thriving and [...]

2017-05-29T07:36:27+10:00May 10th, 2017|Blog|
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